11 Tips for Moving Cross Country

A move of any sort is a major undertaking. A cross country move is a major undertaking with epic proportions attached. You are not only packing up your life and settling into a new abode, but you are doing so with a trek of some 1500-2000 miles in between. It therefore becomes imperative that nothing go wrong in the process, that there are no little glitches that are going to come forth and gum up the works. With that in mind, we present eleven tips for moving cross country that we hope will make your endeavor a bit more enjoyable.

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Here are several tips for a proper moving

  1. Lighten Up. The cost of a cross country move is almost always directly proportional to the amount of stuff you are planning to move. The more you move, the higher the price tag is going to be. When you consider that even the most cost-effective cross country moves cost in the thousands of dollars, it becomes clear that saving money wherever possible is important. You have several options: you can hold a yard sale; you can donate items of furniture and clothing to charity or sell off the items through consignment. Basically, the more you trim down, the easier your cross-country move will become.
  2. Coordinate Your Travel Arrangements in Advance. Cross country moves commonly involve hotel stays, meals, etc. It is advisable to make these arrangements no less than a month ahead of time to avoid conflicts or delays. Know how far you plan to travel each day and make hotel reservations accordingly. Have a budget in place for meals. Make use of GPS and other apps to find the fastest and most efficient route to your destination.
  3. Get More Than One Moving Quote. Prices may vary from company to company, as will the quality of the service. Do not go for the cheapest, but neither is there a reason to go for the most expensive. Make sure they are licensed, bonded, and insured. Make sure they have experience moving folks cross country. You can look up reputable movers through their U.S. DOT number in the FMCSA’s database. Oh, and may we recommend California/New York Express Movers?
  4. Record The Condition of Your Items. We recommend taking photos or at the very least, extremely detailed notes on the condition of items to be moved. That way, if anything is broken or otherwise damaged during the move, you will have the proof that those items were mishandled. This could be of invaluable service when it comes to filing complaints, claims, or seeking compensation for damaged goods.
  5. Purchase Moving Insurance. Another effective way to ensure the safety of your belongings is to purchase moving insurance. Most companies will offer this, but it only covers the bare minimum. Full Value Protection holds the movers accountable for the actual cash value of any and all items that may be damage during a move. And carefully inspect all items for damage at the end of the move, comparing them with the photos or notes you have taken. If a claim needs to be filed, do so as soon as possible following the move so that it may be dealt with swiftly.
  6. Bring Important Documents with You. Preferably in your own vehicle, somewhere where you have them within reach if required. You want to do the same with sentimental items such as jewelry and family heirlooms. It does not matter how good or how reputable the moving company is; some items just need to remain with you.
  7. Make A List and Check It Twice. A moving checklist is an excellent tool for keeping your move on track and on schedule. Many times, a move can become overwhelming, and it is hard to keep track of what has been done or what remains to be done. Set up a checklist and break the move down by weeks, and then by days. By knowing what needs to be done, and by what time, you will come up to moving day with everything properly taken care of and ready for the trucks to roll out.
  8. Inventory Your Home. Decide what goes and what stays. We mentioned selling off or donating items you no longer need. This can even apply to major items such as furniture. Some folks move with as little as possible and simply buy new furniture when they arrive at their new destination. Of course, this all depends on what your moving and relocation budget allows for.
  9. Pack Efficiently. Start with the smallest room in the home and work your way up. Try to accomplish one room per day. Call in friends, family, and neighbors and have a packing party (and spring for pizza and refreshments as an incentive!).
  10. Moving With Children and Pets. A cross country move means long hours in close quarters in your car, truck, or minivan. Have toys and books and games for your children to remain occupied. And make enough stops to allow your pets time to get out, stretch their legs and do their business (oh, and same for the kids!). Have at least a couple of boxes of toys that you can unload quickly to keep your little ones occupied and happy (and out of the way!) while the movers finish placing everything else in your new home.
  11. Change Of Address. Change your address about 2 weeks ahead of your planned moving day. That way you should continue to receive mail uninterrupted. You can do this in person at your local post office, online, over the phone, or even by mail (yes, some still do it the old-fashioned way!). Similarly, you will want to transfer all utilities to the new address.

Cross country moving does not have to be an ordeal. Done correctly, with the proper planning and execution, your cross-country move can become and enjoyable and memorable family adventure. The professionals at California New York Express Movers have decades of experience in adventures just like this, and we are here to make it all happen for you. Call our office today and let’s get you moved!

We live in a world that has seen a lot of change over the last two years. A worldwide pandemic, and the resulting economic uncertainty have left many folks wondering what is next, what the future holds, and for some, the prospect of a fresh new start is both appealing and intimidating at the same time.

Sometimes, part of that fresh start might involve a relocation, even as far away as a different coastline. Rather than allowing thee prospect and the process to frighten, there are some good, common-sense tips available to make the journey exciting and rewarding. The key is not just knowing when to pack, but rather what to pack first. So, let us make your 2022 move a good one.

You want to start by prioritizing your possessions, those things that need to go in the boxes now and those that can wait until later. But first, make sure you have all the materials with which to do it right.

Have a healthy supply of boxes, small, medium, and large most of which are readily available at any packing company butt do not hesitate to ask other businesses if they have extra boxes they are not using. This author conducted his entire last move with boxes donated from a local hobby shop! And make sure you have an abundance of packing paper, bubble wrap, packing tape, and Sharpie markers.

Okay, now that we have the basics in place, let us get started by packing all non-essential items first. This means materials and items that you will not need right away upon arriving at your new location, such as books and magazines, home décor, artwork, junk drawers, off season apparel, and holiday decorations. All these can wait, so make sure they are marked and properly labeled so you can find them and unpack them at the proper time.

Pack books in a series of smaller boxes, because trust us, a large box of books gets very heavy and very cumbersome very quickly. Smaller boxes are just easier to manage and move about. CDs and DVDs should be carefully packed to avoid damage and stored at room temperature levels. As with any step in the packing process, if there are things you do not want, take advantage of this opportunity to sell them or donate them or throw them out.

Make sure all artwork or other artistic pieces are properly packaged and protected against the rigors of a long-distance move. Mark their boxes “extremely fragile” so the movers know there is something important here.

Home décor can be a bit tricky, as trying to fit myriad items into one box can be a challenge. Use plenty of packing paper and bubble wrap to protect these items. You can also use pillows, towels, and cushions to help fill out larger boxes and protect their contents.

Go through clothing and separate everything out. If you are moving in the winter, pack your summer clothes away to deal with at a later time.

Once the non-essential items have been squared away, it is time to move on too the essential items, those that you will need quickly upon arrival at your new home. This includes things like dishes, electronics, toiletries, linens, and office and cleaning supplies. You will want to create an “open me first” box, containing the items and materials that you will need to immediately begin living in your new space. This includes a change of clothes for two or three days, any medications you may be taking, important documents, electronic devices, as well as toiletries and towels.

Of course, this list is subjective; basically, just pack whatever is important to you, and make sure it is the last box on the truck so that it is the first one off. Either that or have that box travel with you in your vehicle.

Some people pack up their whole kitchen at once, but the truth is you really do not need every kitchen item or tool at the outset. Take the time to pack the items that you know you will need right way, such as a pot, skillet, spatula, and some kitchenware. You can safely pack everything else away and get to it as time allows. Purchase some paper plates and cups, along with some plastic utensils to use for those first few meals. If you are transporting any food items, limit them to the canned variety that are not likely to go bad.

You will want to pack your toiletries and cleaning supplies where they can be easily accessed early on, because they are some of the first things you will probably need upon arrival. Look for any materials that you either have not used in a while or that are expired and get rid of them. Again, this should be one of those boxes that is last on the truck so it can be among the first off.

Create a separate folder of all your important documents. Know where they are at all times, and ideally, transport them in your own personal vehicle where you can lay hands on them if needed. This is necessary for a successful long-distance move.

As with any large-scale project, do not attempt too much at the last minute. Proper planning and execution can turn what is often a stressful and difficult relocation into aa fulfilling and rewarding experience. There is no substitute for proper planning, and knowing what goes where, and more importantly when, can go a long way toward making your cross-country relocation a success.

At California New York Express Movers, we recommend starting the packing process at least two weeks out, starting with the smallest room and working up. Of course, our team of moving professionals are ready and able to take care of all your packaging and transportation needs.

When it comes down to planning your cross-country move, far too often, folks do not make the proper preparations or planning for moving items of clothing. We simply figure all you have to do is fold them up and throw them in a box and they are ready to go, right? Well not so fast. There is a method to the madness known as moving your wardrobe from one coast to the other. And as with so many other elements, a little judicious planning can save you innumerable headaches going forward.

Of course, it goes without saying that folded clothes can be packed differently than hanging items, and specialized garments such as formal wear or wedding dresses may require specialized packaging and handling. Carve some time out of your packing schedule to allow for your clothing items. This will reduce stress related to the move and make unpacking on the other end all the more effective and efficient. Always remember…plan ahead. Then work your plan.

Here are eleven tips for getting your clothing ready for a cross country move.

  1. Organize and Declutter. Few things streamline the moving process quite like decluttering and getting rid of those items you are not likely to ever use or wear again. Determine which items of clothing are worth transporting cross country and selling or donating or throwing out those items you no longer want or need. This is especially true if you are moving into a smaller space as you will soon find that you need every available inch to make things work. Then organize your clothing by season and by family members.
  2. Pack Off Season Wardrobe. If you are moving in the summer, then long wool sweaters and heavy coats really have no place of importance in the movie. Pack them away together and properly label them for when you need to locate these items a few months down the road. There is no need to unpack them immediately following the trip. Be sure they are securely packed to protect them from moisture and undesirable odors.
  3. Leave the Dresser Full (No, we are not kidding). If your dresser contains lighter items of clothing such as undergarments or socks, there is no harm at all in leaving them where they are, especially if you are using a moving service. This saves a ton of loading area in the moving truck, and everything is in place once the dresser is moved into your new home. Just be sure to tape the drawers securely shut and cover the dresser with blankets or other protection to prevent any damage such as knicks or dings during the move.
  4. About Those Special Pieces. We mentioned wedding dresses and tuxedoes. You will want to take the proper steps to protect these items, and garment bags are the way to go. These are basically soft sided suitcases and they drastically reduce the chance for these items getting damaged or dirty or wet.
  5. Packing Your Shoes Separately. It is ideal to separate shoes from other apparel in order to avoid the clothes getting soiled as a result. Shoeboxes are ideal, but plastic bags will suffice in a pinch. You can also stuff socks and undergarments in the shoes in order to maximize packing space. If you choose not to pack in such aa manner, have some packing paper on hand to stuff the shoes with, as this will prevent the shoes becoming warped or malformed during the cross-country trek.
  6. Pack Essentials for The First Week. Every moving project and scenario is different, but there is always the chance that you may not be able to get to everything to unpack right away. Create a bag of essential items, changes of clothes for at least a week, toiletries, etc., and have that bag either go with you in your vehicle or go on the moving truck last (so it is off the truck first). That way, you are able to have what you need for those first few hectic, fretful days in your new location.
  7. Use Wardrobe Boxes for Hanging Items. Garments that spend most of their time on hangars are the ones that tend to wrinkle easily. Storing and moving them in wardrobe boxes is an efficient way to manage them and will save you much ironing and straightening when you get to your new place. Most wardrobe boxes can hold up to half of a standard sized closet, and they contain metal hangars that can be moved from the closet to the box. Some also come with compartments for wrapped shoes.
  8. Vacuum Sealing Bags. These bags, once packed, allow you to remove the air, which shrinks the bag and its contents down to a much more manageable size. Space saving is always a plus, especially if you plan on having to move a large number of bulky items. Vacuum sealing bags also protect against odors, and they are moisture resistant.
  9. Pack As Many Boxes as You Need. Some folks think the fewer boxes the better, but a large box full of clothing can become quite heavy and cumbersome. Bigger boxes can also be crushed or damaged much more easily. The better solution is to pack a number of smaller boxes that can be easily carried and moved from one area to another.
  10. Use Suitcases and Duffels. Look around your closet and home to see what you already have that may serve as transportation items. You will be surprised how much you can squeeze into a suitcase or a duffel bag.
  11. Use Plastic Garbage Bags. These are another great substitute for boxes as they provide protection from dirt and dust.

Of course, your best bet for any moving project is to make use of a professional and experienced relocation company. California-New York Express Movers know how to get you and your belongings from one coast to the other in a timely and efficient manner, and they stand ready to make your relocation experience a pleasant, exciting, and memorable event.

Okay, a move of any type is a major project, and one that can easily become stressful if not properly coordinated and executed. But a long-distance move from the bright lights of New York City to the balmy West Coast of Los Angeles can be even more so. It becomes important to not only know how to plan your move, but when.

There are a number of factors that go into a coast to coast move of any sort, with numerous variables that need to be taken into consideration. You should consider the costs, the coordination, and the timing of the move. Through careful preparation, though, your coast-to-coast move can be an exciting and enjoyable project.

For starters, coast to coast moves are rarely DYI options. The level of packaging and the logistics of a coast-to-coast move are simply more than even the handiest among us would want to take care of. When you consider the distance involves, the unusual terrain such as mountains, valleys, possible snow and ice and other factors that have to be navigated, it becomes of the utmost prudence to hire a qualified, experienced long distance moving provider, one who can take the reins from the get-go and see the project through to its conclusion. Professional movers can handle all aspects of your moving project with efficiency because they are well trained and have done this a time or two.

Professional movers also provide insurance coverage for the items they transport, which means peace of mind, and it is infinitely more affordable than hiring a rental truck and trying to oversee all of the organization yourself. And by affordable, we not only mean monetarily, but also the peace of mind in knowing everything will be done correctly, the first time.

While there is no hard and fast rule for exactly when you should start packing for a Los Angeles move, the conventional wisdom would suggest that you begin, to some degree, once you know for sure that this is a move you are going to be making. We recommend making out a checklist divided by the weeks and days available to you ahead of the move, and then sticking to that schedule as best you can. Starting with small rooms first, then moving on to the bigger things, by the time your moving day arrives, you should have everything packed up and ready to go. If you want a fixed answer, we suggest allowing a minimum of two months to have everything done. Such a time frame will prevent any exasperation and stress in the final days leading up to the move.

Allowing plenty of time for your west coast move also allows you to research and hire the best moving company, as well as looking for any deals that may be out there for packing supplies, en route lodging, meals, and other expenses that you are going to incur along the way. You might also want to consider the time of year in which to move, as some companies offer discounted rates in what they consider their “off season.”

It goes without saying that you need to have an end goal in mind. Are you moving to a new house? An apartment? A condominium? Finding the perfect home tops the list of things to do when planning your west coast move. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of options and costs when considering a move to LA.

You should also calculate a moving budget. Moving long distance often means long hours on the road, hotel stays, a lot of eating in roadside restaurants. Have an idea what those few days en route are going to cost you and provide for that as a part of your moving budget.

Pack ‘Em Up!

Take the time leading up to the move to properly downsize. You are not going to bring everything with you to your new location, nor should you. Downsizing, eliminating all of those non-essential items, means you ultimately spend less time and money transporting those things that you will most likely never use again. Lose the clothes you have not worn in more than a year, or the books you no longer read. If your kitchen appliances are older than ten years, they probably are not worth moving. Just replace them when you get where you are going.

Again, taking the proper time to get everything packed means that you can do so carefully and methodically, as opposed to quickly and recklessly. Pack fragile items on their own, away from less fragile items, and use enough packing paper or bubble wrap to protect them over the course of the move. These items should be packed firmly, but gently.

You can also use old sheets and towels to protect furniture and larger items from damage, chips, or dings. Make sur everything stays dry, as climates tend to change drastically from coast to coast, because it does not take a lot of time for mold to set in, and that is the last thing you want to find as you arrive at your LA destination. You can carry a dehumidifier with you and turn it on once you arrive.

Move ‘Em Out!

As you can see, there is much to do, so the time to start planning for your move from New York to Los Angeles is now! The more you can do to prepare, and the earlier you can do it, only serves to create fewer problems when the moving day arrives. At California/New York Express Movers, we have the skills and experience needed to make your Los Angeles move an amazing experience. We will manage all aspect of your move from the first box packed to the last one in the door of your new home. We are licensed, bonded, and insured, and we are here to answer any questions you may have. Contact our office today to get your Los Angeles move underway.

Shipping household items internationally is very common, however only about 10% are shipped internationally by air.  

Shipping by air can get your items to your international destination in just a few days, unlike international shipping by sea, which takes weeks, sometimes up to a few months.  

How much does international air freight cost? 

Cost to ship internationally by air varies, depending on the type of cargo that is being shipped, and the available space on the plane. It’s far more costly than shipping by sea, but if it’s speed and reliability you’re after, this is the way to go. To compare rates, prepare an inventory of what you’ll be shipping. Knowing sizes is helpful to get a more accurate estimate of the cost. Additional costs will include: Fuel surcharges, security surcharges, and airport transfers. The price can also increase for door-to-door service.  

Why is air cargo so expensive? 

The high costs to ship by air are due to the larger fuel consumption of a plane, and the operational costs.  

What cannot be shipped by air? 

While most items can be shipped by air, some items cannot. The reason is that some things can become extremely hazardous during the flight, this is due to the changing pressures. Items that cannot be shipped include: explosives of any kind, flammables (solids & liquids), toxic & infectious items (pesticides).  

Shannon L.
Shannon L.
Jan 5, 2024

Movers who packed my things up in NY were great. I was also very impressed with how clear everything was, how fast the move coordinator Eric was with getting back to me. Read more testimonials

Danielle Francisco
Feb 11, 2024

Terrific experience with Andres and his team. They were quick, efficient and very knowledgeable. Read more testimonials

Ria B.
Ria B.
Jan 10, 2024

Everything went smoothly with CA-NY Express Movers. They packed up my apt in NYC in no time, put it into storage for me while we found our new house. Read more testimonials

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